Growing Great Learners
"Mrs. Spitzer is a wise teacher who knows many things. She knows about gardens. She knows about children. She knows how similar they are. And how they will flourish if tended lovingly." - Mrs. Spitzer's Garden by Edith Pattou
Let's grow in first grade!

Upcoming Events and Reminders

March 13: Spirit Night @ Chick-fil-a in Greer  5-8pm

March 14: Snow Make-up Day

March 28: Donuts for Dad 7-7:40am

April 3: Spring Prowl

April 4: Field Trip to the Spartanburg Science Center

April 7-11: Spring Break

April 24: An Evening with the Arts 5-7:30pm

April 25: Class Pictures

May 2: Mornings with Mom 7-7:40am

District 5 Mission Statement

The mission of District Five Schools of Spartanburg County is to provide every student quality educational experiences in a safe, nurturing, and engaging environment, enabling each individual to succeed in life and function as a productive citizen.


We believe that...

  • Children are our most important resource.

  • Character is taught by example and expectations.

  • Excellence is achievable.

  • Respect is mutually beneficial.

  • Knowledge empowers.

  • Diversity strengthens.

  • Family is the foundation of society.

  • Attitude makes the difference.

  • Public education is essential for democracy.

  • Learning is a lifelong process.


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